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Adderley Brown Betty 6 Cup

Adderley Brown Betty 6 Cup

Regular price $69.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $69.00 CAD
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6 Cup Brown Betty
AUTHENTIC !  The original Brown Betty dates back to the 1700s, by the Elder Brothers using
a special red clay found in the area of Bradell Woods, near Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. This clay is attributed for the pot keeping your tea hot.
Adderley Ceramics 'Betty Teapot' recommendations;
Preheat the teapot with hot tap water before adding boiling water to prevent thermo shock.
Not suitable for microwaves, dishwashers or tea cosies.
After use, rinse the teapot with warm soapy water.
A considerable amount of time has been spent researching the “Brown Betty” teapot. Adderley Ceramics has found the ‘original recipe’ as used by the original maker the Elder Brothers, and are continuing the tradition of making authentic Brown Betty Teapots.
Succeeding generations of Englishmen have proved that “Brown Betty” teapots make the best pot of tea in the world! The shape of the pot causes the tea leaves to be gently swirled around as the boiling water is added, thus producing an exquisite infusion.
Authentic Brown Betty,  Made in England by Adderley Ceramics. 
6 Cup;  45oz,  2.25pt
Also available :

2 Cup;  22oz,  1pt
4 Cup;  30oz, 1.5pt
8 Cup;  60oz,  3pt 
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